The New LEaf Meditation Project Beginners Guide

Meditation doesn't have to be time consuming, overwhelming or complicated. In fact, it is the exact opposite. Below is a simple three-step program specifically designed for beginners.  

If questions arise or you would like to share your experiences as you begin meditating, please email Anthony. Remember, our mission is to help you in any way possible! 

Starting Out 

Learning how to meditate is easy. Making it a daily part of our life is more challenging. We teach a stripped down basic form of Zen Meditation that is simple and can be done in just 3 or 5 minutes a day. In fact, we encourage you to focus only on establishing the daily habit, keeping the length of meditation as short as possible, for the first two months.

First, learn how to meditate using any of these resources: 

Second, focus on establishing the daily habit.

New habits are hard. We know this because every January many of us aspire to start new habits that, despite our sincere intentions, seem to fall away before the month is up. Research from Duke University tells us it takes 66 days to firmly establish a new habit.

Next Step: Deepen Your Practice & Invest in Wellness

New Leaf exists as a community to train and guide beginners to start meditating and to support one another in sustaining and deepening our individual practice. After creating a foundation of a daily practice, we explore new techniques and wellness. 

Most of us who started meditating were compelled by a deep-seated urge to make our lives more sane and healthy. Wellness comes in many forms with topics ranging from physical and mental health to minimalism and decluttering and just about everything in between. It’s important and fun to explore all facets of wellness, incorporating those that resonate as part of our practice. At this point, we also suggest exploration of the various types of meditation including insight, zazen, metta or mindfulness.  

Ideally, you will explore all of the wellness and meditation options. Since there is no right or wrong way to practice, you are free to pick and choose which options are most meaningful or effective for you. Our meditation instructors and resources will be your guides, but ultimately your personal experience will be your teacher. 

Here are some of the ways we support each other in continuing to develop and deepen our practice: 


Whatever your motivations for learning about meditation or starting to meditate may be, you will discover a daily practice will enrich your life in ways you couldn't have imagined. Our entire community is here to help you. As always, if you have any questions or need assistance of any kind, please feel comfortable emailing me directly at and I will do my absolute best to help you. 

May your practice be strong and your life go well! 

Anthony A. Cernera, M.Ed. 
Founder & Meditation Instructor
New Leaf Meditating Project